I recently had the pleasure of visiting The Blue Chair. We went for the book launch of a friend of a friend and it was awesome! I had wanted to try this place out anyways so it was a bonus!
Unfortunately, I just had my phone with me so the pictures are, again, substandard, but this place had a great vibe and ambiance. It is super cute - way more than these pics show!
This is the limited menu that they had available on the night we visited. They were in the process of revising the menu and expanding it but I notice that their website still does not show their current menus. They should really post them online because their food is absolutely excellent! You should be able to increase this menu so you can read it.
Above is their signature bean soup and the salad with salmon - look at the size of salmon that they offer? I don't think Lisa was able to finish it all. Also above is the absolutely best Roasted Cauliflower soup that I have ever tasted. It was sooooooo good!
These are the Seafood Cakes. These were crusted in potato and were absolutely delicious. Below is the Ahi Tuna and the Chicken and Shrimp Pad Thai that Melanie graciously let me try. Both of these dishes were delicious as well.

What a great evening. Great food, great wine and excellent company! And the book reading was amazing! I will definitely be looking for an opportunity to return to this great little, funky café in the near future.